CBT exam time table
*17 | UNN | VTE(Yet to submit Memo) | VTE 132(Basic Key Boarding) VTE 232 (Word Processing II) | 50
50 |
Mr. Ifeanyi Edeh
Ifeanyi.edeh@unn.edu.ng 07068192795 |
12noon-3pm 3pm – 6pm |
To be conducted | |
18 | UNN | Agriculture Physics | AGR 102 | 900 | Dr. S.E. Obalum
Sunday.obalum@unn.edu.ng 08039688755 |
14-07-2017 3pm-6pm | To be conducted |
19 | UNN | Computer Science | COS 304 | 6000 | Mr. Oguike
Osondu.oguike@unn.edu.ng 08035405100 |
10am-6pm | To be conducted |
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